Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What is the future of the MMO?

MMO’s are one of the most famous type of game.  Every year at least a half dozen MMO’s come out.  Some you have to pay a monthly fee to pay, some are free to play and you buy the game in the store and you can play for free.  What I want to talk about though is what is the future of MMO’s? 

Right now most of the MMO’s out their have the same fighting style, you click on someone, click on a power, it does the power, click on another power, the power is done, and keep doing that until the monster is dead.  Most people will say that's getting boring and combat needs to have a little more variety and control.  Some people want want to be able to evade, aim and hit specific body parts.  Also the types of quests you get in an MMO haven’t changed.  Go kill 30 spiders, go bring this to someone else, and sometimes you get a quest that tells you to make sure someone gets to town safely, also once you do a quest it resets itself so someone else can do it.  How about quests like sneak in a castle and kill the king without being seen?  Or rescue someone without setting off any alarms?  You can sneak up behind guards and kill them as long as no noise is made.  Also Mobs, they just walk around in the same 10 foot area, and when you kill one another spawns.  How about having monsters actually walking around, maybe looking for food, or maybe sleeping.  They don’t need to spawn, right their.  I know you developers want to keep mobs around so the next person can find them easy enough.  Well make it more difficult.  A lot of animals in the real world do stay around specific areas that their familiar with, that’s why people know where to hunt them.  It could be the same in a game.  You can even have animals give birth to replenish their species and sure make it possible to kill off a species.  These ideas could be to difficult to do, but I think its just that developers are just playing it safe.  Single player games they can try different things because the game has a definite end but an MMO is suppose to go on for years so they have to use a little more imagination or play it safe. 

I think the future of MMO’s are good if their can be change and innovation.  Games like Age of Conan have shown that an MMO can evolve, but its still a baby step.  The combat is different and good, but still the mobs stand around for the most part.  Their are other games coming up that look promising so we’ll have to see how well they do.  I don’t think a shooter MMO will very well wither.  I think a game that has a battle system that has a simulated aim system that you can tweak and make head shots.  The idea I have is, maybe like an space shooter, you press tab and it shows the closest target to you and maybe even points you in the direction, but if you want you can aim better to do a head shot or shoot a body part.  This would give the shootertard a chance to do well and give the person who does well with shooters a chance to take better shots.  Also this way a person who isn’t as good can also maybe be a scientist or a technician and also give suppressive fire and be a diversion, while the person who is able to do head shots and what not can be the sniper or the front line guy.  These games will make people use good tactics, use good tactics and different tactics, if you can sneak up on people, if you can take out people silently, if you can dodge, the game will be more challenging and more fun.  I think if shooters stayed run and gun, find keys and open doors, people would have lost interest.  Games do need a change every once in a while.

IF their aren’t any changes in MMO’s then maybe they’ll just loose popularity.

Product reviews and how to use them

Most people when they look at reviews they take them to heart.  For food and and furniture that may be ok, but for tech and cars I’d use reviews as a template.    When I look at reviews I read what the reviewer has to say but then I also read the average user rating.  Reviewers only get to use a product a couple days so they don’t if it can handle the long run.  For instance a friend of mine bought a bluetooth headset and every magazine gives it a high rating, but if you read what average users say about it, their rating is much lower.    Using the main review as a template is a good way to see what the product has to offer and get a basic idea but reading the average user rating actually will give you a better idea if the quality of the item is good enough or not.